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Open Educational Resources (Impuls Open Learning Content)

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Impuls Open Leermaterialen (IOL) contributes to more flexibility for teachers in the use and choice of learning materials. In 57 pilots, teachers gain experience in applying open learning materials. The teachers and IOL also discover together what else is needed to be able to use high-quality learning materials with a low threshold. Learning materials that fit target groups, current events, level or educational concept.

The project works on the following activities, among others:

Creating open user applications in education via pilot projects.

Expanding the number of available collections of open learning materials.

Developing a quality system for collections.

Creating business models to continue to ensure development, updating and maintenance.

Further developing Wikiwijs <HYPERLINK TO:> in collaboration with Kennisnet .

Conducting research into the effective use of open learning materials.

IOL does all this together with a large number of schools and school boards in primary and secondary education and with leading educational organizations.

Full name
Open Educational Resources (Impuls Open Learning Content)
2022 - present
1 Primary, 2-3 Secondary

Coordinated by (Organisations)

Runs in (Countries)

Netherlands (the)