Enhancing the visibility and comparability of diverse learning and mobility opportunities across HEIs, emphasising the importance of machine-readable metadata for easy comparison and discovery.
Simplifying credit recognition and cross-institutional enrolment, emphasising seamless data exchange to support all forms of learner mobility and academic continuity.
Streamlining the management and governance of shared resources among alliance members, covering both physical and virtual assets.
Promoting the accessibility and mobility of educational materials, fostering a collaborative and accessible educational environment.
Establishing a standardised approach for the exchange of learners' activity data to ensure a seamless integration of various virtual learning environments.
The digital management of educational credentials (issuance, verification, revocation), affirming the achievements from diverse learning experiences.
Achieving interoperability for user identities across educational transitions, ensuring consistent identification throughout their academic journey.
Developing a cohesive framework for trusted institutional identities, facilitating smoother collaborations and exchanges between HEIs.
Business Capability Management designs, configures, and lifecycle-manages an institution's business capabilities. Notes: This capability provides guidance and direction on how business capabilities are fulfilled. The outcomes sought from Business Capability Management vary from one enterprise to another, but are concerned typically with efficiency and effectiveness, user experience, and ensuring that the formation and operation of business capabilities is sustainable and enduring.
Campus Security Management provides and manages institution security services for safety and protection of people and assets. Notes: Campus Security Management may include physical security presence and monitoring, building access management, and incident and emergency response management.
Communications Management delivers and responds to broadcast and conversational communications. Notes: Communications Management is offered has a comprehensive business capability that includes communications between the institution and its internal and external audiences. The scope of communications includes contexts such as marketing and publicity, crisis and emergency, staff and student engagement, and other purposes. Capability Assessment: StaffBase for internal communications maturity: https://staffbase.com/en/internal-communications-strategy-model/?; Communication Maturity Index: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.pubrev.2019.05.012; United Nations Strategic Communications Framework: https://statswiki.unece.org/display/SCFP/1.2+Communications+Maturity+Model; Quadient Customer Communications Management: https://resources.quadient.com/m/7ea854724b52f0c6/original/CCM-Maturity-Model.pdf
Completion Award assembles and issues credentials that recognise completion of study. Notes: Completion Award is applicable to any learning situation in which a student is issued with a credential, noting that the nature of the credential ranges broadly from a certificate of attendance to a digital badge to an academic transcript to a formal testamur.
Curriculum Management designs, produces, or sources curriculum components. Notes: Curriculum Management includes all those activities in the institution that plan and produce its portfolio of educational products, and ensures the institution is able to deliver them. It is also responsible for planning, deciding and providing the production inputs needed to deliver curricula. Institutions of higher education generally offer a broad portfolio of educational products that provide many different learning outcomes and which, accordingly, need different configurations of resources to deliver. As a result Curriculum Management is a complex capability and will incorporate a number of more specialised capabilities. "Curriculum" is defined as all the planned learning opportunities offered to learners by the educational institution and the experiences learners encounter when the curriculum is implemented.
Data Management plans, creates or acquires, stores, uses, archives, and disposes of data. Notes: The DAMA definition of Data Management is "the development, execution, and supervision of plans, policies, programs, and practices that deliver, control, protect, and enhance the value of data and information assets throughout their lifecycles.", from the DMBOKv2.
Enterprise Architecture conducts enterprise analysis, design, planning, and implementation to aid successful development and execution of strategy. Capability Assessment: Itana Enterprise Architecture Maturity Model for Higher Education, EAMM-EDU: https://spaces.at.internet2.edu/display/itana/EA+Maturity+Model+Home; Gartner IT Score for Enterprise Architecture and Technology Innovation: https://www.gartner.com/document/3993071
Examination Management coordinates the planning and conduct of formal learning-assessment activities. Notes: Exams are formal assessments of the learning activities undertaken in curriculum components, usually Subjects. Exams may take many formats, including written, oral or performance, and may be undertaken in person, online, or in hybrid modes, with or without assistance, including assistive technologies. The conduct of examinations may be overseen by invigilation or supervision.
Governance, Risk, & Compliance performs governance, risk management, and compliance activities.
The Higher Education Business Capability Model describes a standard set of Business Architecture elements relevant to Higher Education. It can be used as a reference for Business Stakeholders, Enterprise Architects, and Technology Strategists to engage in discussion regarding business
effectiveness, needs, and challenges. Standing alongside the accompanying Business Model Canvas, the Business Capability Model elaborates the core value chains for higher education and their underlying business capabilities.
Identity & Access Management manages information about people and things, instantiates and enforces organisational business rules and policy regarding entitlements to systems and services, and mediates access requests and identity verification. Capability Assessment: Gartner IT Score for Identity & Access Management: https://www.gartner.com/en/documents/3993765
Information Security Management protects the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of information in an institution's care. Notes: Cybersecurity is the related technical discipline responsible for the protection of ICT infrastructure, systems, and networks against unauthorised access or criminal use.
Learning Assessment assesses the student's knowledge of learning outcomes. Notes: Learning Assessment is applicable to all curriculum delivery modes, including blended learning and work-based and work-integrated learning.
Learning Recognition Management evaluates prior learning and experiences of students and decides on equivalent recognition. Notes: This business capability includes the receipt, assessment, and response to applications for the recognition of prior learning, and maintains transfer-credit-articulation precedent databases and rules, and other evaluation mechanisms as required.