1CORE will build on the achievements made during the pilot phase of the European Universities Initiative. "The 4EU+ Alliance has strong ambitions to build the European university of the future, and we are very happy to be supported in our approach by the European Commission! This is very good news for all students wishing to study in Europe, for our academics contributing to the internationalisation of the European educational space, and more broadly for the whole European society that our universities serve," says Isabelle Kratz, the 4EU+ Secretary General.
The Authentication and Authorisation for Research and Collaboration (AARC) initiative was first launched in May 2015 to address the increased need for federated access and for authentication and authorisation mechanisms by research and e-infrastructures.
39 universities (of applied sciences) are working on opportunities the digital transformation offers higher education in the Netherlands. The Acceleration Plan is a a national four-year programme running from 2019 to 2022 and a cooperation between the Universities of the Netherlands, The Netherlands Association of Universities of Applied Sciences and SURF.
Responsible for the architecture framework, coherence, quality of standards
Architecture advisory Board to the Standaardisatieraad (steering Board). ROSA chain reference architecture is the reference. Important instrument is the ROSA archiitecture scan.
The members of the Architecture Council monitor the quality and coherence of agreements and standards. In addition, the Architecture Council also looks at standards that are managed nationally and internationally and that may be relevant to education. Furthermore, the Architecture Council is the substantive “guardian” of the ROSA, the chain reference architecture of education aimed at chain collaborations. The Architecture Council advises the Standardization Council on the above matters. This may concern agreements registered with Edustandaard and newly submitted agreements. In addition, the Architecture Council advises the Standardization Council, both solicited and unsolicited, on the area of coherence (architecture), new desired developments and the prioritization thereof. The chairman of the Architecture Council is therefore an advisory member of the Standardization Council.
The BIRD project is developing a prototype of the vision "Digital Networked Infrastructure for Education" as part of an initiative by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF). The project aims to identify key requirements of the platform call in exchange with stakeholders of the education landscape.
Develop standards in the field of information and communication technologies supporting all aspects of learning, education and training. The European Standards (EN), Technical Specifications (TS) and Technical Reports (TR) developed will support European policies with regard to all levels, modes and types of learning. The goal of this committee is to develop, support and facilitate a more harmonized European EdTech ecosystem that gives value to all stakeholders, users and beneficiaries of all aspects of learning technologies.
CEN/CT 353 wishes to create a clear picture of how news technology could be used. This approach will support the emerging of new ways of training and proposes a state of the art assessment not only related to the EdTech experience of European Universities and training institutions but studies the really training potential of modern ICT and emerging technology such as virtual and augmented reality, gamification, simulation, etc. as well.
CEN/TC 428 is responsible for the standardisation of a common language of professional ICT and digital competences, skills and knowledge applied in all domains. A non-exhaustive list of areas where CEN/TC 428 can develop its activity follows:
defining a target IT architecture of how we will support different forms of joint educational offerings;
We’re a European University alliance, co-funded by the Erasmus+ Programme.
CHARM-EU is the Challenge-driven, Accessible, Research-Based and Mobile European University Alliance.
We’re here to co-create a new, innovative model for European higher education in line with the European Values, the European Green Deal and the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals.
You can use CHARM-EU to access courses, research clusters, events, mobility opportunities (and more!)
The Collaborative Trust Framework for EdTech is a relevant European initiative to drive standardisation in EdTech. The Trust Framework is a set of trust components worked out into deployable principles. It’s designed for EdTech Founders, that want to build a long-lasting, trustworthy business with a perpetual positive effect on (public) education.
Student can apply, and selection process. Application Provider platform
The DC4EU project enables citizens to control their personal data in education and social security. It involves 43 public stakeholders and 50 organizations from 22 states, testing interoperability and scalability in national and cross-border contexts. The project creates a hybrid paradigm where citizens can directly share their data through explicit consent, supporting free movement of citizens with various entitlement documents in the social-security domain and student/staff mobility for both identity and records.
This WP, led by GRNET in Greece, is responsible for the coordination activities between DC4EU and other Large Scale Projects, between DC4EU and other external stakeholders such as the European Commission, and for internal coordination between the different DC4EU use cases. It follows the development of the EUDIW (EU Digital Identity Wallet) through the evolution of the ARF (Architecture and Reference Framework) and the related Toolbox. In the education domain, it follows related initiatives and services such as the European Student Card Initiative, Europass, and European Digital Credentials for Learning.
The Database of External Quality Assurance Results (DEQAR) project was selected for EU co-funding under Erasmus+ Key Action 3 – European Forward-Looking Cooperation Projects. The main aim of the DEQAR project was the development of a database that would enhance access to reports and decisions on higher education institutions/programmes externally reviewed against the ESG, by an EQAR-registered agency.
Higher education institutions and programmes in DEQAR were evaluated or accredited in line with the European Standards and Guidelines for Quality Assurance (ESG). DEQAR provides interfaces to the European Digital Credentials for Learning (EDC) and the European Blockchain Services Infrastructure (EBSI) ecosystems, allowing a seamless use of official DEQAR data in either system
In the Digivisio 2030 programme, all Finnish higher education institutions are building a future of learning together. The goal is a new era of learning where each of us can learn more easily and flexibly, thus accumulating the expertise needed in a constantly changing world.
The aim is to research a trustworthy, distributed and internationally usable infrastructure standard for issuing, storing, displaying and verifying academic certificates and educational credentials in a national and international context. Thus, the project serves to define goals in the area of digital credentials for German higher education institutions that are independent of specialised process manufacturers.
developed a wallet for each holder of academic titles where it is possible to upload one’s own qualifications using blockchain technology
One of a few initiatives that tries to standardize the data transfer is the European Blockchain Services Infrastructure (EBSI) based on blockchain paradigm.
main aim of ECCOE was to facilitate the endorsement and appropriation of open, online and flexible higher education
At the core of the ECIU University is the challenge-based approach where multi-disciplinary teams work on real-life challenges and co-develop ideas and solutions. ECIU University adopted a challenge-based approach cross-cutting activity in Education, Research and Innovation, a novelty at the European level.
In the pilot phase (2019-2022), we have sourced over 160 cases for European wide challenges from over 100 providers. More than 600 learners worked on challenges on real-life problems, and more than 150 teachers co-created the ECIU University offers.
Together with our partners, we developed and offered 285 micro-modules in total during the project period, including 28 language learning modules with 11 languages.
Extension of Europass as an online credential builder to be able to store the results in an electronic wallet.
Initial expert group of about 20 people. Wider working group will extend to about 100 people. See presentation slides for overview of the planning.
The European Digital Student Service Infrastructure (EDSSI) project developed an integrated infrastructure that allows HEIs to expose authenticated student data in a seamless and secure way. the EDSSI project brought together results of EWP, eIDAS, eduGAIN, myAcademID, Online Learning Agreement and Erasmus app into one project to create a greater usefulness than each project could have done by itself.
EDSSI L2 intends to further harmonise the operation of the different building blocks of the digital Erasmus+ ecosystem, mainstream secure authentication, propose application of EU Building Blocks and further develop the interoperability network with the student service providers.
The purpose of EMREX, with its electronic data exchange solution, is to empower individuals to control their own student data and exchange throughout lifespan, across borders for various purposes.
Industrializing the EMREX registry and reviewing the ELMO standard Dissemination of EMREX services and building the EMREX brand This will help EMREX to make a step-change towards a self-standing service which creates value to students and organizations in Europe and also globally.
The ESVA project aims to develop an independent signature verification module supporting European higher education institutions and student service providers on the exchange and verification of trustable documents and data through the EWP network.
Large scale pilot projects will test technical specifications for the Common Toolbox for the EU Digital Identity Wallet.
Currently EA SIG has three main themes: “Capabilities”, “Interoperability” and “EDU-API”. Monthly meetings are hosted in regular online fashion and attended by more than 10 organizations sharing great insight to what architects are involved today. There are major changes ongoing in both system development and organizational structures. Legislation is pushing digitalization to a more centralized data sharing model, forcing strong focus on information architecture and data models. Sharing information about both failure and success are the key!
Main focus
The EUNIS InfoSec group is focused on the current challenges of the information security field. The changing threat landscape of academic IT as well as the recently renewed privacy legislation present new challenges for many higher education organizations. The InfoSec group aims to share knowledge about information security development and compliance, as well as solutions to support the implementation of ISO 27001 and the GDPR.
One of the tracks at the EUNIS Annual Congress is devoted to ICT infrastructure & Security. InfoSec group aims to continue this theme by working with some of the most interesting topics with IT security professionals from member organizations.
Citizens now more than ever are demanding the convenience and speed of digital services without compromising the security of their private data. The process of issuing and verifying diplomas is one of the core workflows in universities operations, hence there have been numerous initiatives from different institutions across Europe that are exploring the digitization of this process.
The digitization of issuing and verification of diplomas and micro-credentials has been in the focus of numerous initiatives at national and European level in response to EU’s digital single market strategy. At the same time multiple privacy enhancing technology innovations have emerged in order to cope with the privacy challenges in these data exchange scenarios. These factors have led to a rapidly evolving ecosystem of players, solutions and specifications that haven’t yet converged into a single framework.
The SIG Mobility and Digital Credential was established in September 2023. All the EUNIS members and invited stakeholders can join to help align the latest developments in the area and exchange ideas is imminent. Experts will gather to discuss and exchange knowledge on current and future developments in the field of student mobility and cross-border education and diplomas.
Develpment of proof of concept, identification of the relevant processes that should be suppoert by the EWP network, Development of standards
The Erasmus Without Paper project plays a central role in the European Commission’s European Student Card Initiative, a key initiative of the European Education Area. As part of this initiative, the Commission has announced that all higher education institutions participating in the Erasmus+ programme will gradually have to start using the Erasmus Without Paper Network/Dashboard to exchange student mobility data with other higher education institutions participating in the new programme.
Traditional management of Erasmus+ mobility can be a cumbersome, complex and costly process for higher education institutions (HEIs). The Erasmus Without Paper (EWP) initiative paves the way to manage mobilities more efficiently by letting higher education institutions exchange information around their students’ mobility swiftly and securely.
EWP does this through an online exchange network that connects HEIs participating in Erasmus exchanges. It allows HEIs using the network to exchange student data in a more secure and efficient way than traditional paper-based methods.
Within the Edu-V programme, schools and suppliers make mutual agreements that regulate simple, safe and reliable access to and use of digital learning materials
Discussion: how can an Eduwallet contribute to Lifelong Development, personal learning paths and flexible education?
In Lifelong Development, the focus is not on the educational institution but on the learner. In order to give learners control over their own education, a number of things need to be organised digitally around the learner. A personal eduwallet with its own digital identity (eduID) and its own digital study results (educredentials/edubadges) can be an important digital tool for Lifelong Development. Within Npuls, this is being researched and tested by means of an Eduproeftuin together with educational institutions and learners.
More info: https://pretalx.surf.nl/surf-onderwijsdagen-2024/talk/PPYK3G/
Edubadges aim to make higher education accessible. edubadges are digital certificates that higher education institutions can issue to enrolled students who complete courses. At the 'back' of an edubadge, things such as the content of the course, the acquired knowledge and the responsible educational institution are described. SURF is currently conducting pilots with these edubadges in collaboration with many Dutch higher education institutions.
The European Student Card Initiative (the ESCI) is composed of three building blocks
European Student Card - transforming current student cards into a European Student Card so students can benefit from on- and off- campus services during their mobility Erasmus+ App - a single app to help Erasmus students with all their practical administration – before, during and after their mobility programme Erasmus Without Paper - a digital solution connecting systems in use at higher education institutions allowing to manage their Erasmus+ mobilities online
Microcredentials for short term projects Made possible by EBSI
Unsere Special Interest Group (SIG) dient als Plattform für den Wissensaustausch, die Koordination und den Erfahrungsaustausch zwischen Experten im Bereich Enterprise Architecture Management (EAM) an Hochschulen. Durch die Teilnahme an unserer SIG haben Sie die Möglichkeit, Best Practices auszutauschen und voneinander zu lernen, was direkt zur Verbesserung Ihrer eigenen EAM-Strategien und -Prozesse beiträgt. Der Austausch hilft den Mitgliedern, innovative Lösungen für aktuelle Herausforderungen zu entwickeln.
TF-EDU aims to gather information, discuss and develop tools and best practices to address the common issues faced by NRENs with regards to their educational services and activities. The areas of interest include the digital learning environment – such as Learning Management Systems (LMS), Learning Analytics (LA), Virtual Learning Environment (VLE) – eduID, Open Educational Resources (OER) and more.
TF-EDU opens a space to enable organisations and individuals to share their own practice (positive and less successful), focusing on two major tracks:
It serves as a strategic platform for the creation of an overview of the educational technologies landscape in the NREN community and beyond. It liaises with interested parties and supports the creation and work of smaller working groups that will dynamically form around specific services, challenges and opportunities in the area of educational technologies. TF-EDU is committed to sharing every outcome, finding and result with the wider GÉANT community.
The ongoing evolution and enrichment of the Higher Education Reference Models would be impossible without the warm global collaboration between the CAUDIT HERM Working Group, our colleagues in the United Kingdom through UCISA, other European colleagues through EUNIS, and our North American colleagues through EDUCAUSE. The value and usefulness of the HERM is enriched, amplified, and increased enormously by the expertise, engagement, and generous contributions of the worldwide higher-education enterprise architecture community.
IEEE ICICLE is a volunteer professional organization committed to the development of Learning Engineering as a profession and as an academic discipline.
ICICLE stands for International Consortium for Innovation and Collaboration in Learning Engineering.
The ICT4IAL project is a multi-disciplinary network of European and international partners that represent both learning and ICT communities. This network was co-funded by the European Commission under the Lifelong Learning Transversal Programme, Key Activity 3: Information and Communication Technologies. The project aims to:
Raise awareness and increase the visibility of the issue of accessible information provision and its relevance for equitable lifelong learning opportunities; Support accessible information provision within organisations through the development, trialling and evaluation of guidelines that build upon already existing work in the field.
German IDunion project, research assistants and students work in multiple working packages in the context of Self Sovereign Identity (SSI) solutions. The work is done under supervision of Patrick Herbke, from Technische Universität Berlin.
has the following work programme underway:
Standards to ensure interoperability between information technology systems used in ITLET;
The identification of generic LET requirements for information technology systems and services used in ITLET situations (example: types of digital content)
Standards projects being addressed:
The description of metadata for learning resources
ITLET vocabularies
the personalization of the IT-enabled educational environment (individualized accessibility)
models for describing competency
the creation of an ITLET quality framework
learning analytics
massive open online course (MOOC) standardisation
how existing standards and specifications may work together to better the LET environment
The development of standards for the protection of information and ICT. This includes generic methods, techniques and guidelines to address both security and privacy aspects, such as:
SC 27 engages in active liaison and collaboration with appropriate bodies to ensure the proper development and application of SC 27 standards and technical reports in relevant areas.
ISO/IEC JTC1 SC 7/WG 20 "Software and Systems Bodies of Knowledge and Professionalisation and related activities"
A global public good that levels the playing field for education and employment to remove social inequities (!)
All training courses in 1 place for Life Long Learning.
Here you will find short trainings and courses where you can learn to write or hold meetings better, for example. Or a long training where you learn a trade or profession. Some training courses are (partly) paid for, other training courses you have to pay for yourself or together with your employer. With a training course you invest in your career.
delivered on the core promise to enable students to authenticate for their studies abroad using their home student account thanks to eduGAIN, connect their academic identities with their identities as natural persons thanks to the bridge with eIDAS national nodes and enable the once-only principle by introducing the European Student Identifier
Learning technologies are indispensable because of their crucial role in transforming and optimising the learning process. These technologies, ranging from digital tools to online platforms, promote active learning and provide personalised learning opportunities. Standards are important to ensure consistency, uniformity and interoperability, making educational systems more effective and efficient. Standardising these technologies promotes innovation, improves accessibility and efficiency of educational resources, laying the foundation for advanced and unified learning offerings that meet modern educational needs.
Groeifonds-programma in The Netherlands.
The aim of the proposal is to both strengthen the quality of teachers and increase the attractiveness of the teaching profession.
The NAPL project is working on an infrastructure to continuously stimulate the professional development of teachers throughout their careers. This leads to better learning performance of students, more job satisfaction and less stress and burnout among teachers.
The project consists of 4 pillars:
1. development paths
2. a training register.
3. pilots with co-creation labs
4. a system with quality assurance
Lab on AI:
The goal is to ensure digital innovations that every student in primary and secondary education can use to progress.
NOLAI therefore works on:
developing digital, intelligent educational innovations aimed at improving the quality of primary and secondary education; and
making the pedagogical, social and societal consequences of digital educational innovations transparent. The lab develops prototypes for concrete AI applications in education. Both to support the learning process itself and to support teachers in their work.
Implementation program Microcredentials, based on metadatamodel Edubadges
Project in Secondary vocational education for data exchange for examinations.
Serve as an integrated platform and entry point for all educational opportunities, linking all platforms to support mobility and facilitate administrative and technical implementation
Impuls Open Leermaterialen (IOL) contributes to more flexibility for teachers in the use and choice of learning materials. In 57 pilots, teachers gain experience in applying open learning materials. The teachers and IOL also discover together what else is needed to be able to use high-quality learning materials with a low threshold. Learning materials that fit target groups, current events, level or educational concept.
The project works on the following activities, among others:
Creating open user applications in education via pilot projects.
Expanding the number of available collections of open learning materials.
Developing a quality system for collections.
Creating business models to continue to ensure development, updating and maintenance.
Further developing Wikiwijs <HYPERLINK TO: www.wikiwijs.nl> in collaboration with Kennisnet .
Conducting research into the effective use of open learning materials.
IOL does all this together with a large number of schools and school boards in primary and secondary education and with leading educational organizations.
"Recognition plattform" tool for HEIs
PIM offers higher education institutions (HEI) and students a platform for inter*national student mobility. The platform is being developed as a cooperation between several higher education institutions.
An important goal of PIM is to provide HEIs with practical solutions for implementing the requirements of the Law for Digital Access (Onlinezugangsgesetz, OZG) and of the Erasmus Charter for Higher Education (ECHE).
PIM is built on EU standards, main ones being EMREX/ELMO for course achievements and EDCI for the exchange of module information. The integration of EWP processes and especially of the Learning Agreement is in scope as well.
In the current project phase (11/2021 – 03/2022) PIM will be connected to the German National Education Platform (Nationale Bildungsplattform- NBP).
Qualichain is a research project conducting five pilots using blockchain technology to store, share and verify education and employment qualifications.
QualityLink strives to empower stakeholders, including students, institutions, employers, and recognition information centres, by providing them comprehensive and relevant quality data on courses and micro-credentials.
The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, Sustainable Development Goal (SDG 4) aims to ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning for all. The Target 4.4 of the SDG-4 plans to substantially increase the number of youth and adults who have relevant skills, including technical and vocational skills, for employment, decent jobs and entrepreneurship by 2030. However, there has been an obligatory paradigm shift in the global education system since the outbreak of Covid-19 to a blended mode of learning. It has also highlighted the need of an e-resilient education system to cater the need of digital education. During COVID-19, the majority of learners around the world were seen to not have access to adequate technology for learning. For those who have had access to technology and devices, education delivery was not effective due to lack of digital skills in educators and learners. For those with internet access and digital skills, challenges of online exploitation, violence, and exposure to harmful content is felt. In such a scenario, in order to achieve SDG 4, adoption of holistic e-resilience by design is needed to help ensure that education is inclusive and fit for the future.
This subcommittee focuses on deepening our understanding of e-resilience in the education system as a whole, and the drivers and challenges for the stakeholders by developing frameworks, guidelines, and standards on digital education. We are open to develop pilot studies with other interested institutions to create a holistic multi-dimensional framework for e-resilient education systems.
Project to implement the Single Digital Gateway Resolution. It aims at promoting citizen mobility in the EU for 21 Public procedures.
ITU-T SG13 has developed the Recommendation on application of a u-learning environment to the smart farming (Y.2246 ). Additionally, SG13 is also working on the Recommendation on QoS requirements for smart education supported by IMT-2020 (Y.IMT2020-qos-req-se).
ITU-T SG16 on multimedia has produced a series of standards that enable remote collaboration, e.g. Recommendation ITU-T F.742 on service description and requirements for distance learning services.
The Recommendation ITU-T Y.2241 “Service framework to support web objects based ubiquitous self-directed learning” was approved by ITU-T SG13 in 2017.
ITU-T Study Group 20 approved Recommendation ITU-T Y.4485 “Requirements and Reference Architecture of Smart Education” and is currently working on draft Recommendation ITU-T Y.RemoteEd “Requirements, capabilities and architectural frameworks for e-learning in remote classrooms”.
Orientiert am Zielbild der digitalen Souveränität haben sich die Verbundpartner zusammengeschlossen, um durch Bündelung ihrer Kompetenzen und Leistungen in den Bereichen IT-Basis, Services und Content den gestiegenen Anforderungen dauerhaft gerecht werden zu können. Das SOUVER@N-Projekt versteht sich dabei als Nukleus für den Aufbau eines landesweiten Netzwerks, dessen Services und Angebote Zug-um-Zug auf alle niedersächsischen Hochschulen ausgedehnt und in bestimmten spezialisierten Bereichen später auch deutschlandweit ausgerollt werden soll.
aka Stuurgroep Metadatamodel Edubadges (The NL).
The Metadata Steering Group consists of representatives from the educational domains MBO, HBO and WO and was initially established to discuss the expansion of the metadata model. In consultation, we decided to also give the Steering Group a role in discussing possible expansions of functionalities.
See also: https://wiki.surfnet.nl/display/Edubadges/Metadatamodel+Edubadges
The Think Tank is a diverse group of experts striving to orchestrate a safe, sovereign, open and flexible European digital ecosystem for education.
We aim to do this by influencing, mobilising and supporting key stakeholders to co-create and innovate.
Our mission is to empower learners and teachers and facilitate world class education and lifelong learning.
The mission of the Verifiable Credentials Working Group is to maintain the Verifiable Credentials Data Model specification and related Working Group Notes.
Chartered until 11 October 2026 (history)
Governments are continuously working to improve services for citizens and businesses. In addition to registering data only once, secure and effective information exchange between governments is essential. Digikoppeling enables government organizations to exchange information easily, consistently, securely, and reliably. For the education sector, Edukoppeling was introduced as a variant of Digikoppeling, tailored to education-specific scenarios.
How can organizations in the education sector exchange (confidential) data consistently using this standard? How can we verify the identity of the parties involved in exchanging data about students? Where does Edukoppeling fully align with Digikoppeling, and where are additions or adjustments necessary? These are the central questions addressed by the working group managing Edukoppeling.
The goal of the working group is to facilitate collaboration within the education sector and to develop cross-sectoral frameworks for the design area of IAA and the IV domain "Structuring IAM," aligning with the broader ROSA architectural frameworks.
In Dutch: Werkgroep Toegang
The IBP working group focuses on further developing agreements related to information security and privacy. The ROSA Certification Scheme for Information Security and Privacy and the SURF Security Baseline are examples of this. The certification scheme is designed for organizations that provide ICT services in the education sector.
Coordinates the connection to international interoperability on the level of Edustandaard (all sectors involved including MoE and DUO).
For example, consider the European Rolling Plan ICT standardization. An important tool of the working group is EduXS: an online overview of services, projects, tools and standards in further education.
The Working group is a subgroup of the Community and consists of a number of members that meet on a regular basis. The Working group members are responsible for topics such as:
The Edukoppeling Transaction Standard, which standardises the logistics for data exchange in the education sector, has been in existence for several years. The standard is increasingly being used for exchanges within education where higher reliability is required (for example, when exchanging personal data), but certainly not everywhere yet. As a result, parties involved in data exchanges in multiple chains have to deal with different agreements and the security regulations that apply to them. This sometimes leads to interoperability problems for systems that have to deal with multiple data exchanges. At the meeting of the Standardisation Council on 25 April 2019, it was decided to set up a working group on ‘Uniform security regulations’.
The OER Information Center (OERinfo) is a topic-specific online portal that provides the public and specialist target groups with comprehensive information on the topic of Open Educational Resources (OER). The aim is to make OER widely visible and to address new target groups. The current state of knowledge on OER is prepared for practical use, information on best practice examples is bundled and the variety of existing initiatives is shown. The OER Information Center supports all those interested in getting started on the topic. The portal also covers the various educational areas - school, training and further education, and university.
The DC4EU project will focus on identifying and implementing all necessary measures to facilitate the issuance of educational credentials and professional qualifications in the Education sector, as well as the issuance of the Portable Document A1 (PDA1) and the European Health Insurance Card in the Social Security sector. The European Digital Identity Wallet will be a key element of hybridization for cross-sectoral and cross-border use cases (identity, signature, educational credentials and soci....
The aim of the project is for actors in the education system (e.g. universities, schools, educational institutions) to exchange electronic data with each other in a standardized way in order to relieve both the educational participants and the actors mentioned (less analogue evidence, error reduction, faster ( test) procedures, etc.)
The XHochschule project aims to standardize the exchange of student data in the national higher education system so that the necessary interoperability between the university systems (known as campus management systems) can be established for seamless processing of future digital administrative services.
A standardised specification for data exchange in school administration is being developed across the federal states. This specification is necessary to enable data exchange without media discontinuity between the actors in the life situation of schools and thus to digitalise school administration services interoperably in accordance with the Online Access Act (OZG) and the Single Digital Gateway (SDG).
XSchule is a standardisation project in the field of education that has been placed on the standardisation agenda by the IT Planning Council under the leadership of the state of Saxony-Anhalt and the Federal Ministry of Education and Research.
For higher education especially the focus on upper secondary school certificates is interesting.
Working group Identity and Access Management
The AK Cloud Management (CLM) was founded as a continuation of the Cloud Commission in March 2024 and has the following goals:
Reducing the organizational effort required to introduce and provide cloud services at universities through the exchange of knowledge and documentation
Exchange of experiences on permanent process changes
Exchange of experiences on technical aspects, e.g. in the administration of cloud services
Mission Statement
Information is the focus and is the fundamental value of research, study and teaching. The working group sees itself as a platform to promote information security at universities and research institutions as well as their supporting institutions and administration from the perspective of people, organization and technology.
It serves as an exchange of experience and continuous training. The aim is to develop strategies, positions, concepts and practical recommendations for action on information security for members of the member institutions.
Our current topics are:
• Information security organization
• Security conception
• Dealing with security incidents
• Emergency management
• IT risk management
• Security of the IT infrastructure
• Advanced endpoint security
• Information security awareness
• Basic protection profile for universities
We create methodologies, sustainability plans, coaching services, and tangible digital technologies using an acceleration agora to achieve integrated, shared, and long-term R&I transformations through collaborative efforts
The Emrex community makes educaional evidence available for collaborating partners in the field of education. This bridge makes it available for partners through the OOTS - system tool.
The bridge involves translation between protocols and datamodels.
eTwinning is a community for schools, an online space for teachers and school staff to collaborate and develop national and international projects. eTwinning provides a safe platform for teachers and pupils to work together with schools across Europe, discuss in online groups, follow peer learning and professional development activities
An eduID is an account for users within Dutch education and exists independently of an educational institution
A proposal for a European Student Card 3rd Generation - as Passes in the Smartphone Wallet
This spring, Leiden University, TU Delft and Erasmus University Rotterdam will launch eduXchange. EduXchange is a portal with over 200 minors from the three LDE universities. This makes it easy for students to orientate and apply for a minor at one of the universities. From April, students from Leiden University, TU Delft and Erasmus University Rotterdam will apply for all minors through the eduXchange portal: www.eduxchange.nl. To do so, students first create an eduID.
Taking courses at other institutions: it has been possible for a long time. But this creates a lot of extra work for both students and educational institutions. It was already clear that this had to be improved, but the EWUU alliance (TU/e, WUR and UU/UMC Utrecht) gave the go-ahead to really take up that challenge. The 3 institutions in EWUU work closely together in many areas, and they also want to be able to offer their education to each other's students. Without the barriers that students and administrations often experience. This challenge led the Flexibilization of Education zone of the Acceleration Plan for Educational Innovation with ICT to take the initiative for the Student Mobility pilot. An infrastructure has been built together with SURF and the EWUU alliance.
This spring, Leiden University, TU Delft and Erasmus University Rotterdam will launch eduXchange. EduXchange is a portal with over 200 minors from the three LDE universities. This makes it easy for students to orientate and apply for a minor at one of the universities. From April, students from Leiden University, TU Delft and Erasmus University Rotterdam will apply for all minors through the eduXchange portal: www.eduxchange.nl. To do so, students first create an eduID.