Formerly named IMS Global is another organization based in North America that issues standards for many entities, like learning objects e-portfolio, micro credentials, open badges etc. The scope is world-wide and since products using these standards are in operation in European countries the standard affects.
The 4EU+ European University Alliance is a transnational strategic association of Charles University in Prague, Heidelberg University, Paris-Panthéon-Assas University, Sorbonne University in Paris, the University of Copenhagen, the University of Geneva, the University of Milan, and the University of Warsaw. The 4EU+ Alliance has one vision: to create one comprehensive research-intensive European University through a new quality of cooperation in teaching, education, research and administration
The Advanced Distributed Learning (ADL) Initiative is a government program reporting to the Defense Human Resources Activity (DHRA), under the Director, DHRA and is one of nine functional mission areas of the Defense Support Services Center (DSSC).
Arab States Research and Education Network (ASREN) is the association of the Arab region National Research and Education Networks (NRENs), as well as their strategic partners, that aims to implement, manage and extend sustainable Pan-Arab e-Infrastructures dedicated for the Research and Education communities and to boost scientific research and cooperation in member countries through the provision of world-class e-infrastructures and e-services.
Aalto was created with a mission to lead a way for a nation. To unite a diverse set of people through science, arts, technology and business. To create a better world by bringing quantum engineers, urban economists and fashion designers to collide and to elevate each other.
We are shaping the future through education and research – because education is the foundation of a self-determined life. And research helps us to discover the new and to improve on the known. By taking this approach we create opportunities – for each and every individual and the whole of society.
At CHARM-EU we work together to design and create a new university model to become a world example of good practice to increase the quality, international competitiveness and attractiveness of the European Higher Education landscape.
Official Name Univerzita Karlova Source: date of export: 24 February 2025
External reference: { "deqar_id": DEQARINST0258, "eter_id": CZ0014 }
Circle U. is a research-intensive and interdisciplinary alliance working to provide outstanding education, research and innovation to contribute to more sustainable, democratic and healthier societies.
Der Verein zur Förderung eines Deutschen Forschungsnetzes verwirklicht seinen satzungsgemäßen Zweck insbesondere durch Vergabe von Forschungs- und Entwicklungsaufträgen und durch die Organisation von Dienstleistungen zur Nutzung des Deutschen Forschungsnetzes. Wir bündeln die Kompetenz und Erfahrung unserer Mitglieder und geben dieses Wissen an unsere Nutzer weiter.
"Wir sind die Digitale Hochschule NRW" - unter diesem Motto und dem Leitgedanken, "Innovation durch Kooperation", arbeiten die 42 Mitgliedshochschulen der Digitalen Hochschule NRW (DH.NRW) mit dem Ministerium für Kultur und Wissenschaft NRW in vier Handlungsfeldern hochschulartübergreifend eng zusammen. Sie agieren unter dem Dach der DH.NRW in den Bereichen Studium und Lehre, Forschung(-sunterstützung), Administration und Digitale Infrastruktur als Weichensteller und Treiber im Bereich Digitale Transformation an den NRW-Hochschulen.
We are ECIU, the European Consortium of Innovative Universities, a network of universities united by a common profile of shared beliefs, interests, and mutual trust.
The ECIU was founded in 1997, and the name underlines the European dimension of a selected group of entrepreneurial universities. We remain dedicated to ensuring a culture of innovation in all of our institutions, and to providing a catalytic role for innovation in business and society at large.
EDUCAUSE is a nonprofit association whose mission is to lead the way, advancing the strategic use of technology and data to further the promise of higher education. We connect and empower our member community through insights, advocacy, resources, and learning opportunities to anticipate trends and strengthen professional practice.
ENHANCE is an alliance of ten European universities of technology with a strong focus on innovation and research. ENHANCE was established in 2020 within the EU’s initiative “European Universities”.
to promote Equitable Quality of Life, Sustainability, and Global Engagement through Higher Education Transformation
ETH Zurich is a public research university in Zurich, Switzerland founded in 1855 with the stated mission to educate engineers and scientists; the focuses primarily on science, technology, engineering, and mathematics, although its 16 departments span a variety of disciplines and subjects
The European University for Smart Urban Coastal Sustainability is an integrated transnational higher education and research institution covering the smart urban sustainable coastal development form a holistic perspective. The thematic focus creates a unique competitive advantage for EU-CONEXUS which is well positioned to assemble and build on complementary thematic expertise from all its partners and regional ecosystems, through inter- and transdisciplinary based approaches.
Perfectly distributed across Europe, the campus covers all European coasts. Students, teachers, researchers, and staff are studying, teaching, conducting their research activities, innovating and working on a European scale.
EU-GIFT is an alliance of European higher education institutions whose main objective is to jointly design a strategy focused on excellence in teaching and research, especially in the fields of viticulture, differentiated quality foods and sustainable agriculture. Among other benefits, this system will allow students to graduate by combining periods of study in several EU countries through joint study programs.
Established in 2019, EUTOPIA is an alliance of ten European universities, and six Global partners committed to developing a new model for integrated higher education institutions through transnational cooperation
Eindhoven University of Technology, Wageningen University & Research, Utrecht University and University Medical Centre Utrecht
Edu-V is a legally required quality mark for digital data exchange in education. Within a foundation, schools and suppliers work together to develop and manage the agreements that form the basis of the quality mark and to ensure compliance.
In this way, Edu-V works on a digital ecosystem for data exchange in which schools and suppliers can share data easily, safely and reliably.
With this, Edu-V strives for safe, flexible and future-proof education in which there is room for innovation of digital education and learning resources and more tailor-made education for students and pupils.
Edustandaard is the public-private organisationg for architecture standardisation in the field of education in the Netherlands. It is responsible for the (quality) process of devekoping and maintaining standards in The Netherlands for al sectors (primary - higher education) and all domains.
The organisation of Edustandaard consists of a Steering Board, Architecture Advisory Board, 10+ working groups and a supporting organisation (Bureau Edustandaard).
Arcitectures under it's care:
All worked out in ARCHIMATE and published publiclly on a semantic wiki. More info: .
Emrex is an independent, international network which unites various actors interested in enhancing student data portability. As such, the network will act as a global platform for connecting expertise, sharing knowledge and enhancing collaboration to expand EMREX footprint and help unlock the full potential of student data and open up data flows globally.
Mit rund 60 Mitarbeiterinnen und Mitarbeitern unterstützen wir durch Medienproduktion, ‑distribution und ‑standardisierung sowie Dienstleistungs- und Beratungsprojekten sowie Fortbildungsangebote den Medieneinsatz im Unterricht.
Standardisation organization for the Dutch governemt including education and health institutions.
GRNET S.A. – National Infrastructures for Research and Technology, operating since 1998, is one of the largest public sector technology companies in Greece. Since August 2019 operates under the auspices of the Ministry of Digital Governance.
GRNET provides networking, cloud computing, HPC, data management services and e-Infrastructures and services to academic and research institutions, to educational bodies at all levels, and to all agencies of the public sector.
GRNET holds a key role as the coordinator of all e-infrastructures in Education and Research. With more than twenty years of specialized experience, GRNET advises the Ministry of Digital Governance on issues relating to the design of advanced information systems, e-Infrastructures and services. GRNET contributes to the country’s Digital Transformation via in-depth analysis, technological studies, standard solutions and specialized know-how, serving hundreds of thousands of users on a daily basis in the strategic fields of Public Administration, Education, Research, Health and Culture.
Der gemeinnützige Hochschul-CIO Verein e.V. wurde im Frühjahr 2016 gegründet. Der Zweck des Vereins ist die Förderung von Wissenschaft und Forschung insbesondere durch:
Official Name Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg Source: date of export: 24 February 2025
External reference: { "deqar_id": DEQARINST0318, "eter_id": DE0002 }
As a nationwide think-&-do tank, the Hochschulforum Digitalisierung (HFD) brings together a broad community around digitalization in teaching and learning, makes developments visible, and tests innovative approaches to solutions. To this end, stakeholders from universities, politics, business and society are networked, accompanied and advised.
Founded in 2014, the Hochschulforum Digitalisierung is a joint initiative of the Stifterverband, the CHE Centre for Higher Education and the German Rectors’ Conference (HRK). It is funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF).
Die „Koordinierungsinstanz Digitale Unterstützungsprozesse“ (KDU.NRW) wurde im Oktober 2020 als eine Einrichtung der Hochschulen in NRW gegründet, sie wird gefördert durch die Digitale Hochschule NRW (DH.NRW).
Für den Bereich der administrativen Unterstützungsprozesse haben sich die Kanzlerinnen und Kanzler der öffentlich-rechtlichen Hochschulen sowie der staatlichen Kunst- und Musikhochschulen in NRW darauf verständigt, in den großen Fachverfahren sowie bei der Umsetzung der Anforderungen des E-Government- und des Online-Zugangsgesetzes eng zusammen zu arbeiten und dadurch hochschulübergreifend Synergien zu schaffen. Notwendige Veränderungen sollen dabei in einem Top-Down-Prozess angestoßen und in ihrer Umsetzung begleitet werden. Die Maßnahmen sollen landesweit ineinandergreifen und zur Entwicklung einer kohärenten IT-Architektur führen.
Die Unterstützung dieses Veränderungsprozesses sowie die Initiierung, Abstimmung und Begleitung gemeinsamer Projekte der NRW-Hochschulen sind die Arbeitsschwerpunkte der KDU.NRW.
Media for Education, Professions and Science (Media voor Educatie, Vak en Wetenschap, MEVW) is the branch organization for educational, professional and scientific publishers in the Netherlands. The organization’s goal, as well as its associated publishers, is to increase the accessibility of educational, professional and scientific knowledge as much as possible. The branch organization therefore stands for:
Ensuring a pluriform landscape of publishers, where others can choose from an abundant supply of high-quality publishing products and services;
Ensuring A level-playing field, where the publishing sector collaborates with public and private stakeholders in order to develop sustainable solutions for societal needs.
Polimi is the largest technical university in Italy founded in 1863. PoliMi offers undergraduate, graduate and higher education courses in engineering, architecture and design.
Official Name
RWTH Aachen
date of export: 24 February 2025
External reference:
{ "deqar_id": DEQARINST0382, "eter_id": DE0069 }
SEA-EU, a pioneer in the European Commission’s initiative, unites 9 coastal universities across Europe (Cadiz, Western Brittany, Kiel, Gdansk, Split, Malta, Algarve, Naples, NORD) since 2019. It offers numerous opportunities including courses, mobilities, languages, and joint degrees for its community, enhancing careers and lives. Emphasizing an inclusive, flexible, and adventurous spirit, SEA-EU connects individuals across distances, inviting them to explore the vast prospects at the European University of the Seas.
Sikt develops, acquires and supplies products and services for education and research. Sikt offers the knowledge sector infrastructure, data and joint services that provide good user experiences and meet the overarching goals of digitalisation, data sharing and open research. Sikt does this in collaboration with it's users and customers.
Official Name Sorbonne Université Source: date of export: 24 February 2025
External reference: { "deqar_id": DEQARINST6648, "eter_id": FR0347 }
Official Name
South East Technological University
date of export: 24 February 2025
**External reference:**
{ "deqar_id": DEQARINST7746, "eter_id": IE0032 }
Wir haben zum Ziel, Innovationen im Bereich des Lehrens und Lernens an Hochschulen zu ermöglichen sowie die Erneuerungsfähigkeit der Lehre kontinuierlich zu stärken.
The Open Group is a global consortium that enables the achievement of business objectives through technology standards and open source initiatives by fostering a culture of collaboration, inclusivity, and mutual respect among our diverse group of 900+ memberships. Our Membership includes customers, systems and solutions suppliers, tool vendors, integrators, academics, and consultants across multiple industries.
UCISA is a membership organisation that represents almost all the major UK universities and higher education colleges with a growing membership among other educational institutions and commercial organisations interested in information systems and technology in UK education.
An open to the world, persons-centred and entrepreneurial European University for the citizenship of the future
The words ‘unidad, unidade, unità, unitate, unité’ inspire our name: UNITA.
It evokes the strong links and commonalities that bring us together to create ground-breaking and innovative alliance aiming at a deeper level of integration.
Universitas Montium, written in Latin, stresses a common heritage and the fact that UNITA universities all speak Romance languages, and are committed to fostering linguistic diversity and to the development of rural and cross-border mountain territories.
Our slogan ‘Climb your future’ reflects our commitment to supporting the aspirations of our graduates and our communities by fostering their resilience to cope with life’s challenges.
Official Name Københavns Universitet Source: date of export: 24 February 2025
External reference: { "deqar_id": DEQARINST0713, "eter_id": DK0001 }
Official Name Università degli Studi di MILANO Source: date of export: 24 February 2025
External reference: { "deqar_id": DEQARINST1423, "eter_id": IT0038 }
Official Name
Universität Potsdam
date of export: 24 February 2025
External reference:
{ "deqar_id": DEQARINST0353, "eter_id": DE0039 }
Official Name
Uniwersytet Warszawski
date of export: 24 February 2025
**External reference:**
{ "deqar_id": DEQARINST1985, "eter_id": PL0213 }
Official Name
Sveučilište u Zadru
date of export: 24 February 2025
**External reference:**
{ "deqar_id": DEQARINST1269, "eter_id": HR0006 }
Official Name Université de Lille Source: date of export: 24 February 2025
Parent Institutions DEQARINST0997 École nationale supérieure de chimie de Lille DEQARINST4556 Communauté d'universités et établissements Lille Nord de France
External reference: { "deqar_id": DEQARINST6647, "eter_id": FR0346 }