Applying for a tertiary education study financing, such as study grants and loans from a public body or institution
Procedures referred to in Article 6(1)
Expected output subject to an assessment of the application by the competent authority in accordance with national law, where relevant: Decision on the application for financing or acknowledgement of receipt
CAMBO is a facility whereby the prospective student can register for a programme at an institution through a shared digital portal. The first thing the portal takes care of is the identification of the prospective student with DigiD and in future with other authorised means of identification. After identification, the prospective student retrieves all standard data (official personal data and the prior education data) from DUO and adds his own contact information. A prospective student can then register with an institution and a programme. In practice, this may include multiple applications. After the prospective student receives confirmation, the rest of the process is left to the institution. The institution takes care of further communication and placement.
Service that creates reports and verifies Chinese diplomas. Education Student Information and Career Center (CHESICC), is an authoritative institution directly under Chinese Ministry of Education (MOE). CSSD is the only MOE-authorized institution for the verification of higher education qualification certificates."
Chamilo LMS is a Learning Management System and Talent Management System with a clear focus on ease of use. It allows an organization to setup and distribute courses to its staff, while retaining important information about their learning and skills
The main goal of the cartography is to provide means for exploring the different degrees available in the three domains in the partner universities.
DEQAR is the Database of External Quality Assurance Results on activities performed by EQAR-registered quality assurance agencies. DEQAR not only collects their reports and decisions but also helps to understand reports in their context by describing the national QA frameworks of the European Higher Education Area countries.
Der DFN-Verein betreibt eine Authentifizierungs- und Autorisierungs-Infrastruktur (AAI), um Nutzenden aus Wissenschaft, Bildung und Forschung Zugang zu geschützten Ressourcen zu ermöglichen. Hierzu gehören Fachpublikationen, Forschungsdaten, E-Learning-Plattformen sowie zahlreiche weitere Dienste, die sich an Hochschulen und Forschungseinrichtungen richten. Nutzende, die auf geschützte Ressourcen zugreifen wollen, authentisieren sich an ihrer Heimateinrichtung und erhalten nach Übertragung der zur Autorisierung notwendigen Daten an den betreffenden Dienst Zugriff auf die jeweiligen Ressourcen.
Als Betreiber der DFN-AAI schafft der DFN-Verein das notwendige Vertrauensverhältnis sowie den organisatorischen und technischen Rahmen für den sicheren und vertrauenswürdigen Austausch von Informationen zwischen Heimateinrichtungen und Dienstanbietern. Durch die Beteiligung der DFN-AAI an der Interföderation eduGAIN werden auch internationale Kooperationen ermöglicht.
An Italian wallet for each holder of academic titles where it is possible to upload one’s own qualifications
The dialogue-oriented service procedure is a Germany-wide admission procedure coordinated by the Foundation for University Admission (Stiftung für Hochschulzulassung) and is intended to prevent university places from remaining vacant.
Credential -Issuer, -Wallet, -Viewer. Also Accreditation database, Course & Qualification Search, and Open Data Services
The European Higher Education Sector Observatory (EHESO) is a user-centred data and information platform on the higher education sector in Europe. The Observatory enables the comparison, analysis, and showcasing of the sector's performance across multiple levels, actors, and themes.
EMREG is a centralized service that has to be available to all SMPs. It gives a list of all available NCPs, as well as other information necessary to establish communication with each of them.
The purpose of EMREX, with its electronic data exchange solution, is to empower individuals to control their own student data and exchange throughout lifespan, across borders for various purposes.
Single digital identity for education and research
Students want to shape their own educational careers. This creates logistical and administrative challenges. With eduID, students have an institution-independent digital identity they can use at any educational institution: before, during and after their studies.
More info:
When designing educational services, controlled vocabularies are often essential for capturing resources so that they become discoverable and reusable for various educational stakeholders. However, due to the multitude of different needs in a distributed educational landscape, reusable vocabularies for the education sector are not immediately accessible.
In an increasingly digital and networked educational landscape, various stakeholders face the challenge of making their services and platforms interoperable. Without standardized vocabularies, fragmented isolated solutions emerge, hindering data exchange and collaboration. The ”Compendium - Educational Metadata (en)” (Oellers & Rörtgen 2025) has already highlighted the diversity of stakeholders and existing vocabularies. This database addresses the need for systematizing a market overview.
Edubadges aim to make higher education accessible. edubadges are digital certificates that higher education institutions can issue to enrolled students who complete courses. At the 'back' of an edubadge, things such as the content of the course, the acquired knowledge and the responsible educational institution are described. SURF is currently conducting pilots with these edubadges in collaboration with many Dutch higher education institutions.
Securely transfer student data digitally
With OSO, schools can securely and reliably exchange student data digitally when a student transfers to a new school.
More info:
Edurep is an educational search engine that uses metadata to make digital teaching materials easier to find.
Eduterm is a service (API) for suppliers with which standardized data can be retrieved.
The Erasmus+ App has been developed under the 30 Years of Erasmus Campaign and is being further enhanced as part of the European Student Card Initiative. The aim of the application is to become the single point of entry for participants to access information on Erasmus+ opportunities, as well as to guide them through the processes surrounding their mobility and give them access to information and services.
Europass is a set of online tools and information that helps you manage every step of your learning and career. The tools and information support you in communicating your skills, qualifications and experiences clearly and consistently across Europe. The European Commission developed Europass.
Facet is a digital system for taking tests and exams. All central digital exams and tests in secondary education are taken with Facet.
More info (ROSA, in Dutch):
More info (technical, in Dutch):
The Register of University Graduates is a register of higher education degrees run by the Bulgarian Ministry of Education and Science
With HISinOne you map the core processes of your university around campus and research management. In this way, you increase efficiency and transparency and create more time for qualified consulting.
converter contains a schema mapping from an existing ELMO schema to a recently published education schema by EBSI. The converter automatically adapts the EBSI schema based on a given ELMO certificate (transcript of records, bachelor/master certificate or upper secondary school certificate) and returns JSON-LD formatted content.
Internationalization.App (formerly is, to put it short, the international memory of the European Digital UniverCity (EDUC). This web-based, GDPR-compatible and non-commercial network of scientists is a versatile and live database. It enables the members of the the alliance to systematically share and exchange information on their international cooperations with one another. Internationalization.App visualizes this data on various filterable and interactive maps, charts, pivot and data-tables in real-time and in numerous combinations.
With Kies Op Maat, you can easily and often free of charge take minors or courses at other colleges and universities in the Netherlands as a college or university student.
Leer- en Ervaringsbewijzendatabank (LED) is a qualification certificates database run by the Flemish government
In Swedish higher education, LADOK is a student administration system used by all Swedish universities and college universities.
the Canadian trusted source for official, verifiable documents, transcripts, and credentials.
SURF has developed a database with metadata of and references to documents at the request of MBO institutions, universities of applied sciences and universities. Institutions link systems to this database that contain previously submitted work, such as document repositories and ELEs. Institutions can then populate the database, choosing which documents to add. In principle, there will only be metadata of the documents and a link to the document itself with the key. If desired, a copy of the document itself can also be stored (if it needs to be made available for longer than it is stored in the source). The supplier of plagiarism scanning software also connects to the database
OOTS is the cross-border exchange system for the SDG-regulation . It has legal status from the Implementing Act Once Only Principle (IA-OOP). It should be implemented end 2023.
With the Onderwijs serviceregister (OSR), the school can indicate which system the school uses for the exchange of data for various services. The supplier adds the technical addresses of the school, so that they can be consulted in one central location. is a service for verification of diplomas from 31 participating Czech higher education institutions.
National authorities can prepare and publish qualifications, accreditation and learning opportunities in Europass through the Qualifications Dataset Register (QDR) platform. The QDR is a tool developed by the Commission to support national authorities to publish their data as ‘linked open data’ which can be published, connected and used more easily.
Edu-V keurmerk:
Edu-V is a quality mark for digital data exchange in education. Digital educational and learning resources with this quality mark meet important agreements for privacy and information security and use the same standards for data exchange.
In order to obtain a quality mark, suppliers of digital products join the Edu-V ecosystem, within which they can exchange data in a safe and simple way.
Participation in the Edu-V ecosystem forms the basis for a thorough qualification of the applications that support digital products.
RIO is a facility in which accreditors and educators can record their data regarding the WHO, WHAT, WHERE and HOW about education. This concerns all education sectors, including non-formal education.
This is the centralized Dutch register with enrollment and graduation data at learner level (primary, secondary, vocational, tertiary education). It has multiple purposes including proof of education. In that capacity it is also known als diplomaregister.
The ROSA architecture scan systematically maps all architectural aspects of an agreement and identifies bottlenecks and opportunities. An ‘agreement’ here refers to an agreement within a specific context on the design and application of certain standards, concept sets, information models, (domain) architectures and facilities (including chain facilities).
The scan offers the applicant concrete tools for applying ROSA, and the opportunity to feed back lessons and experiences from the project to ROSA. The results from an architecture scan have three important target groups:
the applicant of the architecture scan can identify bottlenecks and opportunities based on the scan results and advice and follow up on them under their own management;
the Architecture Council gains insight into the application and applicability of ROSA based on the results of the architecture scan, and derives possible improvements for the chain reference architecture from this;
other chain partners are enabled to take note of architectural changes in the educational domain via the published architecture scan and to determine the importance of these for their own organization or constituency. This supports transparency in the information management of the educational domain and an equal information position.
Requesting academic recognition of diplomas, certificates or other proof of studies or courses
Procedures referred to in Article 6(1)
Expected output subject to an assessment of the application by the competent authority in accordance with national law, where relevant: Decision on the request for recognition
Shibboleth is a single sign-on log-in system for computer networks and the Internet. It allows people to sign in using just one identity to various systems run by federations of different organizations or institutions. The federations are often universities or public service organizations.
The Shibboleth Internet2 middleware initiative created an architecture and open-source implementation for identity management and federated identity-based authentication and authorization (or access control) infrastructure based on Security Assertion Markup Language (SAML). Federated identity allows the sharing of information about users from one security domain to the other organizations in a federation. This allows for cross-domain single sign-on and removes the need for content providers to maintain usernames and passwords. Identity providers (IdPs) supply user information, while service providers (SPs) consume this information and give access to secure content.
Studielink's mission is to make the enrolment process of students in higher education as simple as possible for students and educational institutions, also within the higher education-wide developments in the field of flexibilisation, internationalisation and student centricity.
Submitting an initial application for admission to public tertiary education institution
Procedures referred to in Article 6(1)
Expected output subject to an assessment of the application by the competent authority in accordance with national law, where relevant: Confirmation of the receipt of application
By using the Diploma Registry, you can collect your results from higher education in Norway and share them with potential employers, educational institutions and other relevant recipients
European portal to search and find 21 public procedures across Europe. It includes applying for studyfinancing and enrollment into tertiary education.
A tool that supports teachers in the use of (learning) material where copyright is properly regulated. The tool offers educational institutions insight into the reuse of (scientific) digital material in education.
Via, graduates can obtain certificates as PDF files and documents can be verified using a verification code, name and tax number
Through eDiplomas, the citizen and owner of degrees issued by greek HEIs is able, by using their TAXISNet account, to authorize a client (public Institution or company) to receive information regarding their degrees.
Every member state must implement a so called eIDASnode for citizens to identify and authenticate themselvess across borders.
SURFeduhub is the platform for sharing educational data between Dutch educational institutions is a part of the start up India program and allowing citizens to combine both applying for documents and storage of digital credentials is a digital service built around opportunities for lifelong learning, operated by HigherEd Hub Finland and developed by DigiVision2030. The service gathers open courses from Finnish higher education institutions in one place, making them easy to compare and browse.