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AI Literacy


To coordinate global data and AI literacy building efforts, this standard establishes an operational framework and associated capabilities for designing policy interventions, tracking their progress, and empirically evaluating their outcomes. The standard includes a common set of definitions, language, and understanding of data and AI literacy, skills, and readiness.



AMIGO way of working


AR Learning Experience Model




Blockcerts is an open standard for creating, issuing, viewing, and verifying blockchain-based certificates.



The Competencies and Academic Standards Exchange® or CASE® specification defines how systems exchange and manage information about learning standards and competencies in a consistent and digitally-referenceable way. The aim is to replace inefficient ways of documenting and referencing learning standards and competencies, which are typically published as PDF or HTML documents or in spreadsheets, with one which can be managed in modern database systems, within and across institutions in machine-readable form.



This European Standard is applicable to the digital exchange of information about terms or concepts relating to curriculum information. This includes values to be used in metadata to describe learning resources and learner profiles. The main uses of CEF instances and related services are expected to be the provision of: - controlled vocabularies; - navigation structures; - additional curriculum information; - mappings.







1EdTech Caliper Analytics® is a technical specification that describes a structured set of vocabulary that assists institutions in collecting learning and usage data from digital resources and learning tools. This data can be used to present information to students, instructors, advisers, and administrators in order to drive effective decision making and promote learner success.

Competence requirements for information security management systems professionals


NEN-ISO/IEC 27021 specifies the requirements of competence for ISMS professionals leading or involved in establishing, implementing, maintaining and continually improving one or more information security management system processes that conforms to ISO/IEC 27001.

Competency Data Standards


Competency models expressed in MLR


ISO/IEC 19788-1 provides metadata for learning resources (MLR) and consists of a set of data element concepts and conceptual domains (as defined in the ISO 11179 series) allowing the description of a conceptual level independently of any particular representation. This means that any educational metadata schema can be specified using MLR.

Schemas describing competencies are used in many information models related to learning, education and training, such as school transcripts, learning objectives, curricula descriptions, employer job requirements, professional association competency frameworks and national occupational classifications.

Therefore, with the development of the different parts of the ISO/IEC 19788 series and the increasing demand for information models' interoperability, the description of a “competency” in the MLR format appears as a necessity.

Use of MLR can support different types of approaches such as structured database, linked data and RDF models. This means that MLR can be used to describe objects that are used to support the development, identification, and evaluation of competencies within IT systems that use heterogeneous approaches and have varying forms, among which are included those proposed in ISO/IEC 20006-1[1] and ISO/IEC 20006-2[2].

This document provides a generic representation of a “competency” that will facilitate the exchange of information between systems using different data models to represent competencies, and the linkage of competency models to other metadata models.

This document can be used either alone or together with other standards to express and compare contextual views of schemas that describe competencies.

Content Packaging


Content packaging is the name for packaging web-based digital learning materials. The purpose of packaging digital learning material is to make the material exchangeable. Exchange of Web-based learning material is increasingly taking place between educational institutions and publishers, for example. Therefore, an agreement was needed about the way of packaging.

Coherence In the Netherlands, various educational standards are based on IMS Content packaging. These include the NEN standard 2035 E-portfolio NL, the Edustandaard agreement, Exchange of test materials, and the agreement Content packaging.



DEP (deprecated)




W3C Decentralized Identifiers

Design Rules (Kennisplatform API’s)




EBSI data model


Superset of how we use other standards



The ECK iD helps schools to exchange data related to digital learning resources in a demonstrably secure manner. If all suppliers in the 'educational content chain' use the ECK iD, data exchange from school to educational application and back again can be done with less personal data.



is not a standard in itself but a tool of the European Higher Education Area (EHEA) for making studies and courses more transparent and thus helping to enhance the quality of higher education. ECTS is the basis for all transfer of educational data since it defines words like credit (what workload should one credit be), courses, programs, levels and diplomas. It has resulted in the ECTS Users guide which has been adopted by Ministers for Higher Education of the European Higher Education Area in 2015 at the Yerevan ministerial conference. It is therefore the official Guide for the use of ECTS.



The Europass Learning Model aims to capture the results of any non-formal and formal learning across Europe, as well as the validation of non-formal and informal learning. It is designed to provide a single format to describe certificates of attendance, examination results, degrees and diplomas, diploma supplements, professional certifications, employer recommendations and any other kind of claims that are related to learning. The ELM specification is available on GitHub.

More ino:



ELMO is a data format for the exchange of (education) result information. ELMO is an implementation of the European (CEN) standards ELM-AI (European Learner Mobility – Achievement Information, EN 15981) and MLO (Metadata for Learning Objects, EN 15982).
It is an XML based format and public domain.
ELMO is built up of three basic elements; Learner, Issuer and Learning Opportunity Specification.
ELMO is used by Erasmus Without paper (EWP) and EMREX

EN 16234-1:2019 (e-CF)


This document provides a reference of 41 competences as required and applied at the Information and Communication Technology (ICT) professional work environment, using a common language for competences, skills and proficiency levels that can be understood across Europe. This document was created for application by: - ICT service, user and supply companies, - ICT professionals, managers and human resource (HR) departments, - vocational education institutions and training bodies including higher education, - social partners (trade unions and employer associations), professional associations, accreditation, validation and assessment bodies, - market analysts and policy makers, and other organizations and stakeholders in public and private sectors.





The European Student Card (ESC) is a new standard created by European Higher Education Institution (HEI) to promote student mobility within Europe (EHEA zone).



is the multilingual classification of European Skills, Competences, Qualifications and Occupations. The ESCO classification identifies and categorizes skills, competences, qualifications and occupations relevant for the EU labor market and education and training. It systematically shows the relationships between the different concepts.





It is more difficult to describe standards for transfer of data. Usually each system has its own implementation. To take Erasmus Without Paper (EWP) as an example the communication is done in a way that an information requester goes to a discovery service and finds a data provider. The communication is then done peer to peer, according to specifications in APIs, with little user interaction. This method is used only in EWP and any system in need of data must follow the exact procedure.



The proposed Edu-API specification will allow for the standardized exchange of data between the transactional systems that manage education administration and teaching and learning. That means not only increased efficiency on campus but the facilitation of the development of a new generation of smart, sustainable apps, personalized based on data about the student, and shared in a secure and responsible way.

Edu-V Standardisation Framework (afsprakenstelsel)


The Edu-V agreement system (Standardisation Framework) describes the agreements made by public and private parties regarding the exchange of digital data between learning and teaching materials for primary education, specialized education, secondary education and secondary vocational education in the Netherlands.

Education Transition Service (OSO, NL)


This agreement was developed in the context of the Education Transition Service (OSO). OSO is the set of agreements, standards and secure connections that ensure the secure digital transfer of a student's study and guidance data from the student administration of the current school to the new school and for intra-school transfer in preparation for this. Mainly used in K12 in The Netherlands. Partially based on a law about transition of data of a learner from 1 school to the other

OSO = overstapservice-onderwijs

Edukoppeling OAuth


Edukoppeling REST


Edukoppeling WUS


Enterprise Learner Record


Title:  Standard for Enterprise Learner Record

Scope: The proposed standard consists of two parts. The first part of the standard defines the Enterprise Learner Record (ELR) data model for the various data objects that are used in the standard. The ELR data model preserves data ownership and integrity by providing indications to where raw learner data is stored and by providing the ability to track:

– the learner’s path through different organizations

– the variety of learning experiences – demonstrated competencies

– conferred credentials

– employment history The data model describes the different ELR data elements and allows the expression of rules for how schema elements are populated and how this data is stored within a Learner Profile for auditing purposes within an organization.

The second part of the standard defines the transfer methods and application programming interface (API) for communicating learner records between services that adhere to the specification. This includes the format of requests and the expected responses. The Learner API enables privacy and security of learner data as it is transmitted between connected systems through formal information exchange agreements (e.g., Interservice Connection Agreement). The Learner API follows the guidelines of the Representational State Transfer (REST) software architecture style and is transferred via HTTP requests and responses.



EuroLMai specifies a data model for the recording and exchange of learner achievement information among student management information systems, as well as the aggregation of information by third party suppliers. The scope of the standard is restricted to the definition of the electronic representation of official, institutionally attested achievement information for learners engaged in formal learning processes, in order to facilitate its recording and subsequent exchange within the European education area.



The Higher Education Reference Models (HERM) provide standardised business, data, application and technology architectures that communicate a generalised view of how higher education institutions are organised and the information they use. The HERM also includes a Business Model Canvas to support scenario-based planning and for exploring and communicating an institution’s specific strategic drivers and goals.

These resources can be used by institutions within higher education in a variety of ways, such as a starter kit to accelerate an institution’s business and data architecture, a reference point to explore commonalities and differentiators for the institution, and a communication tool to engage stakeholders.



HOVI provides agreements and systems to make study choice information available in a standardised way. Study choice information is published in different ways from different sources. For instance, there is information from national surveys and registers. Another part of the information is made available by institutions themselves. This is information about the educational institution, the study programmes and the information activities. HOVI ensures that institutions can do this in a standardised and comparable way.



Human factor guidelines for virtual reality content


This document presents considerations for using VR content in the learning, education and training (LET) domain for reducing reality and virtual reality crossover confusion among users and assisting users to effectively use these emerging technologies.

This document addresses VR content that uses a head-mounted display (HMD) in the LET domain. It does not address VR content using immersive technology and does not address augmented reality, mixed or merged reality content.



A conceptual data schema that defines the structure of a metadata instance for a learning object is specified in this standard. For this standard, a learning object is defined as any entity, digital or non-digital, that is used for learning, education, or training; a metadata instance for a learning object describes relevant characteristics of the learning object to which it applies. Such characteristics can be regrouped in general, life cycle, meta-metadata, educational, technical, educational, rights, relation, annotation, and classification categories. The conceptual data schema defined in this standard specifies the data elements of which a metadata instance for a learning object is composed and allows for linguistic diversity of both learning objects and the metadata instances that describe them. It is intended that this standard will be referenced by other standards that will define the implementation descriptions of the data schema, so that a metadata instance for a learning object can be used by a learning technology system to manage, locate, evaluate, or exchange learning objects. The intent of this standard is to specify a base schema, which can be used to build on as practice develops, for instance in order to facilitate automatic, adaptive scheduling of learning objects by software agents.



This API allows partners to compare their copies of interinstitutional Erasmus+ mobility agreements with each other, which makes it easier to spot errors. This API is complementary with the Interinstitutional Agreements Approval API where HEIs can approve agreements they exchange via the IIAs API.



Recommended Practices for Learning and Employment Record (LER) Ecosystems are intended to help system architects, and engineers design and deploy systems that leverage shared standards and technologies to support ecosystem-scale issuing, holding, and presenting verifiable credentials for education, skills-based hiring, and career advancement.



ISCED is maintained by UNESCO describing the level of education ranging from K9 to higher education with levels 0 to 8. It has sublevels but the most commonly used are the levels where 6 corresponds to bachelor studies, 7 to master studies and 8 to doctoral studies, or first, second and third cycle as described in ECTS terms.

ITLET vocabularies


The description of metadata for learning resources:

ITLET vocabularies the personalization of the IT-enabled educational environment (individualized accessibility) models for describing competency the creation of an ITLET quality framework

  • the advancement of e-Assessments, e-textbooks and related learning services, virtual experiments



Verschillende systemen (en applicaties en tools) binnen een MBO-instelling maken gebruik van deelnemergegevens. Voorbeelden van dergelijke systemen zijn de elektronische leeromgeving, het administratiesysteem en een e-portfoliosysteem. Ook andere bedrijfssystemen kunnen een rol spelen in deze uitwisseling, zoals het roostersysteem en de bibliotheek. Veelal voegen deze systemen specifieke informatie aan deze gegevens toe. Om ervoor te zorgen dat deze deelnemergegevens in de verschillende systemen actueel zijn, moeten deze gegevens kunnen worden uitgewisseld. Deze afspraak Interne uitwisseling deelnemersgegevens gaat daarover.

Information Technology - Vocabulary


The ISO/IEC 2382 series was initially based mainly on the usage in the Vocabulary of Information Processing which was established and published by the International Federation for Information Processing and the International Computation Centre, and in the American National Dictionary for Information Processing Systems and its earlier editions published by the American National Standards Institute (formerly known as the American Standards Association). Published and Draft International Standards relating to information technology of other international organizations (such as the International Telecommunication Union and the International Electrotechnical Commission) as well as published and draft national standards have also been considered.

The purpose of the ISO/IEC 2382 series is to provide definitions that are rigorous, uncomplicated and which can be understood by all concerned. The scope of each concept defined has been chosen to provide a definition that is suitable for general application. In those circumstances where a restricted application is concerned, the definition may need to be more specific.





LA-API allows the receiving HEI to read and accept Learning Agreements stored on the sending HEI's servers and propose changes to them.



Learning Metadata


Learning analytics interoperability


This document specifies a reference model that identifies the diverse IT system requirements of learning analytics interoperability. The reference model identifies relevant terminology, user requirements, workflow and a reference architecture for learning analytics.

Learning environment components for automated contents adaptation


This document specifies two methods for adaptive content automation. Firstly, a learning environment profile for the expression of device and learning environment information required for mobile learning providers of both content and services, and for effective use of such services. Secondly, a grouping method is specified so that similar learning environment profiles can be bound into one and expressed collectively.

Logistiek proces Doorstroomtoets po




ELMO is a further specification of MLO. Profile specific for learner mobility. CEN stopped the work on this.
This European Standard specifies the characteristics of electronic representation of Learning Opportunities in order to facilitate their advertising and subsequent discovery by prospective learners. Key users of the standard will be: - those who provide opportunities for learning and wish to advertise them; - those who offer electronic search services that aggregate results from multiple Learning Opportunity providers; - those who wish to compare Learning Opportunities that have been represented electronically. This European Standard specifies an abstract model for representing Learning Opportunities. The model specifies three resources about which metadata can be stored to facilitate advertising of Learning Opportunities: a) the Learning Opportunity Provider; b) the Learning Opportunity Specification; and c) the Learning Opportunity Instance. This European Standard specifies the characteristics of relations between the three resources and recommends a core set of metadata for each.

Metadata for facilitators of online learning


This document specifies a metadata structure to store, present and exchange online learning facilitator (OLF) information by specifying the data elements and their attributes to describe facilitator’s information on various kinds of online education platforms.

This document provides a generic information model of OLF to describe relevant information that applies to the facilitation and training services provided online, and includes information about the person offering facilitation, the affiliation of the person, facilitation ability, facilitation practices, the facilitation service offered, learners’ reviews and testimonies, and related social network information. The conceptual data model allows the linguistic diversity of OLF information attributes and offers a flexible metadata schema to describe them.

Metadata for learning resources


The primary purpose of ISO/IEC 19788 is to specify metadata elements and their attributes for the description of learning resources. This includes the rules governing the identification of data elements and the specification of their attributes.

ISO/IEC 19788-1:2011 provides data elements for the description of learning resources and resources directly related to learning resources.

ISO/IEC 19788-1:2011 provides principles, rules and structures for the specification of the description of a learning resource; it identifies and specifies the attributes of a data element as well as the rules governing their use. The key principles stated in ISO/IEC 19788-1:2011 are informed by a user requirements-driven context with the aim of supporting multilingual and cultural adaptability requirements from a global perspective.

ISO/IEC 19788-1:2011 is information-technology-neutral and defines a set of common approaches, i.e. methodologies and constructs, which apply to the development of the subsequent parts of ISO/IEC 19788.

Metadatamodel Edubadges


The Edubadges Metadata Model agreement (standard) is a practical elaboration of the metadata schema of the SURF Edubadges service ( ).

It is the Dutch (Netherlands) and European extension of the Open badges standard from 1EdTech

Mobile Learning Technology


NEN 2035:2014


Het uitwisselen van e-portfolio's volgens een toepassingsprofiel op basis van de IMS e-portfolio



NTA 2032:2005






The OpenAPI Specification is a specification language for HTTP APIs that provides a standardized means to define your API to others. You can quickly discover how an API works, configure infrastructure, generate client code, and create test cases for your APIs. Read more about how you can get control of your APIs now, understand the full API lifecycle and communicate with developer communities inside and outside your organization.

OAUTH profile




The Open Course Catalogue API specification aims to standardize the way in which Higher Education Institutions expose their course catalogues in a machine-readable format. By facilitating access to their course catalogues, Institutions can allow consumer applications to implement user friendly ways to explore course offers for prospective students.



OOAPI is a set of definitions that allows software programmes to communicate with each other. It serves as an interface between different software applications. Through this API, educational institutions make useful information available: from grades to credits, from timetables to free workstations. Developers then integrate this data into new applications.

Open Badges


Open Badges is the world's leading format for digital badges. Open Badges is not a specific product or platform, but a type of digital badge that is verifiable, portable, and packed with information about skills and achievements. Open Badges can be issued, earned, and managed by using a certified Open Badges platform.

AKA Openbadges

More info:

OpenID Connect (OIDC)


OpenID Connect is an interoperable authentication protocol based on the OAuth 2.0 framework of specifications (IETF RFC 6749 and 6750). It simplifies the way to verify the identity of users based on the authentication performed by an Authorization Server and to obtain user profile information in an interoperable and REST-like manner.

OpenID Connect: ist eine Authentifizierungsschicht, die auf dem Autorisierungsframework OAuth 2.0 basiert. Die Implementierung des OpenID Connect basiert auf der HTTP-Programmierschnittstelle mit REST-Mechanismen und auf dem Datenformat JSON.

PKIoverheid certification






The standard Registratie Instellingen en Opleiding (RIO) is a canonical model describing educational institutions in relation to the education they offer, how they offer it and where they offer it and by which party it is recognaized. The standard, consisting of a set of canonical models, provides insight into a number of core objects (education boards, education providers, education locations, educational units, course characteristics and courses offered) in the education domain with their properties and relationships. These models form the basis for filling in the information needs with regard to these objects in all kinds of education-related processes, including funding, absenteeism, supervision and accountability. This information need almost always has to do with 4 perspectives, namely WHO (incl. WITH WHOM), WHERE, WHAT and HOW.

The standard contains a canonical Model RIO Generic. In addition to this generic model, there are also canonical models RIO for the various education sectors: • Canonical model RIO primary education (bo) • Canonical model RIO special education and secondary special education (so and vso) • Canonical model RIO secondary education (vo) • Canonical model RIO vocational education (MBO) • Canonical model RIO secondary education for adults (vavo) • Canonical model RIO higher education (ho) • Canonical model RIO non-formal education (nfo)

ROSA Information Security and Privacy Certification Scheme


in Dutch: Certificeringsschema informatiebeveiliging en privacy ROSA.

This standard sets out agreements on the (basic) level of information security and privacy for applications used in education (primary education, secondary education, intermediate vocational education and higher education). It determines the level of Reliability, Integrity and Confidentiality of an application and prescribes the necessary measures on that basis (see Assessment Framework). In addition, this standard provides details on how this can be achieved (see Process). And how this can be tested (see Supervision). Educational institutions must be able to assume that personal data are processed securely by educational applications within education.

Recommended Practice for Creating Self Learning Tutorials and Side by Side Learning


Title: Recommended Practice for Creating Self Learning Tutorials and Side by Side Learning

Scope: This recommended practice describes a methodology for creating self-learning tutorials, including tutorials which use screencast technology. Methods and practices that are applicable to spoken tutorials are defined, including use of side-by-side learning techniques.

Subgroups: P2955 Working group has formed the following three Subgroups based on its main areas of activities.

1 Creation Subgroup: The scope and duties of this subgroup is creation of the initial draft for the Creation process. The subgroup will recommend the best practices for creating self learning tutorials. 2 Dubbing Subgroup: The scope and duties of this subgroup is creation of the initial draft for the Dubbing process. The subgroup will be involved in recommending the best practices for translation and dubbing of self learning tutorials in other languages. 3 Training Subgroup: The scope and duties of this subgroup is creation of the initial draft for Training. The subgroup will recommend best practices for side-by-side learning for training using the self learning tutorials.

Recommended Practices for Defining Competencies


IEEE 1484.20.2 Recommended Practices for Defining Competencies was developed to promote a common understanding for those involved in defining policies, standards, and data structures for competency definitions and frameworks. It discusses various approaches for developing competency definitions and frameworks and incorporates and promotes the principles of ethical development, definition, documentation, and reuse of competency definitions and frameworks. However, these recommended practices cannot replace the role of experts who have developed specific domain expertise that is invaluable to organizations developing specific competency definitions and frameworks.

Reference framework of e-Portfolio information



This document specifies a reference framework of e-Portfolio implementation that can be used to inform and support development of ITLET systems that meet the requirements of learners, instructors, e-learning service providers and others in contexts such as K-12 education, higher education, training and personal development.

The reference framework identifies content and functional components that support e-Portfolio systems. It addresses interoperability issues required for data exchange between these components and among the various categories.

This document:

— provides an e-Portfolio reference framework;

— provides descriptions of e-Portfolios in terms of components (content or functional), categories, elements and items;

— identifies commonalities of current implementations of e-Portfolios; and,

— represents the needs of stakeholders (learners, instructors, etc.).

This document does not include:

— in-depth technical review of issues related to adaptability to culture, language, and human functions;

— security techniques related to the protection of privacy information;

— authentication of the identity of an IT or ITLET system user;

— how e-Portfolios might integrate with ITLET systems; and,

— specific requirements of e-Portfolios or e-Portfolio systems to meet jurisdictional domain requirements.

Regie op Gegevens


Built on decentral principles;

SAML - Security Assertion Markup Language


Security Assertion Markup Language (SAML, pronounced SAM-el, /ˈsæməl/)[1] is an open standard for exchanging authentication and authorization data between parties, in particular, between an identity provider and a service provider. SAML is an XML-based markup language for security assertions (statements that service providers use to make access-control decisions). SAML is also:

  • A set of XML-based protocol messages
  • A set of protocol message bindings
  • A set of profiles (utilizing all of the above)

An important use case that SAML addresses is web-browser single sign-on (SSO). Single sign-on is relatively easy to accomplish within a security domain (using cookies, for example) but extending SSO across security domains is more difficult and resulted in the proliferation of non-interoperable proprietary technologies. The SAML Web Browser SSO profile was specified and standardized to promote interoperability.[2] In practice, SAML SSO is most commonly used for authentication into cloud-based business software.[3]



The need of interoperability among different components and the need of exchanging information outside institutional and sometime outside national boundaries have increased awareness of the role that attributes play. The SCHema for ACademia, SCHAC, is the result of the work carried out in the area of attributes coordination to address inter-institutional data exchange, recognised by the TF-EMC2 group as a real need. SCHAC aims to define and promote common schemas in the field of higher education to facilitate inter-institutional data exchange. SCHAC is a collection of schemas that aim to facilitate interoperability among those institutions that decide to use them. SCHAC does not aim to replace the national schemas, but rather it aims to provide a common framework on top of the various national schema.





The School Education Architecture Reference Model (SERM) provides direction that

organizations need when developing Business Architecture assets to assist education public

sector decision-makers to resolve issues, manage business and technology change, and plan for

future change.





Classification of learning opportunities according to level and content

SURF Security Baseline


The SURF Security Baseline is a set of measures for information security. The aim of this set is to ensure that both new and existing systems and applications within SURF members (educational institutions) meet a minimum security level. The baseline must also apply to systems that are purchased, either by the institution itself or by SURF, possibly on behalf of the sector (tenders).


Parts of are widely used to publish course and occupation data is a collaborative, community activity with a mission to create, maintain, and promote schemas for structured data on the Internet, on web pages, in email messages, and beyond. It is a vocabulary

Secure and Trusted Learning Systems


Simple Publishing Interface

  1. Purpose: SPI makes it easier to transfer learning materials from tools that create them (like authoring or presentation tools) to repositories that store or manage them (like digital libraries, video servers, or institutional repositories).
  2. Interoperability: The goal is to ensure different systems (tools and repositories) can work together seamlessly. This means that a piece of content created in one system can be easily stored, accessed, or managed in another system without losing the important connections between the content and its metadata.
  3. Applications Beyond Education: While SPI was developed with educational tools and repositories in mind, it can be applied in many fields where there is a need to publish and manage digital content and metadata, such as libraries, archives, or media repositories.
  4. Uses Existing Technologies: Instead of creating a new technology from scratch, SPI is designed to work with existing protocols and technologies (like SWORD and PENS), making it practical and easier to implement.

Standard for Capability Evaluation Requirements of Blockchain Practitioners


This standard defines the types of occupations, competency requirements, and evaluation methods of blockchain and distributed ledger technology for service practitioners, including but not limited to competency elements, evaluated process, and employment grade. This standard applies to the ability evaluation and training of blockchain and distributed ledger technology service practitioners.

Standard for Digital Intelligence (DQ)--Framework for Digital Literacy, Skills, and Readiness


Digital Intelligence (DQ) was developed to encompass a comprehensive set of technical, cognitive, meta-cognitive, and socio-emotional competencies, which are grounded in universal moral values and enable individuals to face the challenges of digital life and adapt to its demands. The DQ Framework is comprised of 8 areas of digital life--identity, use, safety, security, emotional intelligence, literacy, communication, and rights--across 3 levels of experience--citizenship, creativity, and competitiveness. The objective of this standard is to establish a DQ global standard that encompasses a common framework to ensure that digital competency building efforts are coordinated globally. It includes a common set of definitions, language, and understanding of digital literacy, skills, and readiness that can be adopted by all stakeholders worldwide, including national governments, the educational industry, the technology industry, international agencies, private companies, and society as a whole.

Standard for Reusable Competency Definitions


This standard describes referencing and sharing competency definitions (and frameworks of competency definitions with related objects) as used in education and training systems at all levels. In this standard a competency is defined for a skill, knowledge, ability, attitude, habit of practice, or learning outcome.



The TOGAF Standard is a framework for Enterprise Architecture. It may be used freely by any organization wishing to develop an Enterprise Architecture for use within that organization. The TOGAF Standard is developed and maintained by members of The Open Group, working within the Architecture Forum.





Ubiquitous learning resource organization and description framework


This document specifies a framework to describe and organize learning resources in ubiquitous learning. It provides features to enable dynamic aggregation of resources in different learning contexts, in which the social interactions are recorded to facilitate social learning. The features that reflect the evolutionary history of resources based on learners’ contributions are also defined.

Uniform Security Regulations – Transport Layer Security (TLS)


Chain parties have to deal with various data exchanges with the associated agreements and standards. Agreements are also made for security. When these agreements are made per type of exchange, this can lead to interoperability problems and/or inefficiency in the education chain. That is why it was decided in the meeting of the Standardization Council of 25 April 2019 to set up a working group 'Uniform security regulations' (UBV). This working group ensures a set of uniform security regulations that can be centrally maintained. Other standards can refer to this standard

Verifiable Credentials (VC) Data Model


W3C Verifiable Credentials, particularly the VC EDU task force.

Credentials are a part of our daily lives; driver's licenses are used to assert that we are capable of operating a motor vehicle, university degrees can be used to assert our level of education, and government-issued passports enable us to travel between countries. The family of W3C Recommendations for Verifiable Credentials, described in this overview document, provides a mechanism to express these sorts of credentials on the Web in a way that is cryptographically secure, privacy respecting, and machine-verifiable.

More info:

Verifiable Credentials Data Model


Virtual Classroom




WUS profile


Web Services Addressing (WSA)


Web Services Description Language (WSDL)






XBildung is a comprehensive data exchange standard that takes the entire education system into account.

XHEIE /XHochschule


XBildung with its basic module forms a substantive bracket around various subject modules or standards such as XHochschule, XSchule or XBAföG and regulates those aspects that are relevant for at least two subject modules and are therefore relevant across the board. The XHochschule andXSchule worked, further specialist modules such as XBAföG could follow in the next few months.



The cmi5 specification enables the packaging and delivery of distributed learning resources, including both traditional courseware and content that sits outside of a web-browser (e.g., mobile apps, offline content). The cmi5 specification was created by the Aviation Industry Computer-Based Training Committee and the ADL Initiative in 2015 to provide an alternative to the Shareable Content Object Reference Model (SCORM®), which has served as the foundation for traditional learning management system (LMS)-centric courseware for two decades. The cmi5 specification replicates SCORM functionality, with the intent of replacing SCORM as the metadata format for computer-based training, and cmi5 also incorporates the Experience API (xAPI). That gives cmi5 the capacity for robust data collection.







1 identiteit waarmee studenten bij iedere onderwijsinstelling terecht kunnen: voor, tijdens én na hun studie.



eduPerson is a Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) schema designed to include widely-used person and organizational attributes in higher education. The eduPerson object class provides a common list of attributes and definitions, drawing on the existing standards in higher education. Related object classes include:



zzz non-empty
