To coordinate global data and AI literacy building efforts, this standard establishes an operational framework and associated capabilities for designing policy interventions, tracking their progress, and empirically evaluating their outcomes. The standard includes a common set of definitions, language, and understanding of data and AI literacy, skills, and readiness.
This European Standard is applicable to the digital exchange of information about terms or concepts relating to curriculum information. This includes values to be used in metadata to describe learning resources and learner profiles. The main uses of CEF instances and related services are expected to be the provision of: - controlled vocabularies; - navigation structures; - additional curriculum information; - mappings.
This document specifies a metadata structure to store, present and exchange online learning facilitator (OLF) information by specifying the data elements and their attributes to describe facilitator’s information on various kinds of online education platforms.
This document provides a generic information model of OLF to describe relevant information that applies to the facilitation and training services provided online, and includes information about the person offering facilitation, the affiliation of the person, facilitation ability, facilitation practices, the facilitation service offered, learners’ reviews and testimonies, and related social network information. The conceptual data model allows the linguistic diversity of OLF information attributes and offers a flexible metadata schema to describe them.