The ROSA architecture scan systematically maps all architectural aspects of an agreement and identifies bottlenecks and opportunities. An ‘agreement’ here refers to an agreement within a specific context on the design and application of certain standards, concept sets, information models, (domain) architectures and facilities (including chain facilities).
The scan offers the applicant concrete tools for applying ROSA, and the opportunity to feed back lessons and experiences from the project to ROSA. The results from an architecture scan have three important target groups:
the applicant of the architecture scan can identify bottlenecks and opportunities based on the scan results and advice and follow up on them under their own management;
the Architecture Council gains insight into the application and applicability of ROSA based on the results of the architecture scan, and derives possible improvements for the chain reference architecture from this;
other chain partners are enabled to take note of architectural changes in the educational domain via the published architecture scan and to determine the importance of these for their own organization or constituency. This supports transparency in the information management of the educational domain and an equal information position.