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EN 16234-1:2019 (e-CF)

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This document provides a reference of 41 competences as required and applied at the Information and Communication Technology (ICT) professional work environment, using a common language for competences, skills and proficiency levels that can be understood across Europe. This document was created for application by: - ICT service, user and supply companies, - ICT professionals, managers and human resource (HR) departments, - vocational education institutions and training bodies including higher education, - social partners (trade unions and employer associations), professional associations, accreditation, validation and assessment bodies, - market analysts and policy makers, and other organizations and stakeholders in public and private sectors.

Full name
EN 16234-1:2019 (WI=00428004) e-Competence Framework (e-CF) - A common European Framework for ICT Professionals in all sectors - Part 1: Framework
Semantic - Vocabulary, Organisational - Agreement

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