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Standard for Digital Intelligence (DQ)--Framework for Digital Literacy, Skills, and Readiness

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Digital Intelligence (DQ) was developed to encompass a comprehensive set of technical, cognitive, meta-cognitive, and socio-emotional competencies, which are grounded in universal moral values and enable individuals to face the challenges of digital life and adapt to its demands. The DQ Framework is comprised of 8 areas of digital life--identity, use, safety, security, emotional intelligence, literacy, communication, and rights--across 3 levels of experience--citizenship, creativity, and competitiveness. The objective of this standard is to establish a DQ global standard that encompasses a common framework to ensure that digital competency building efforts are coordinated globally. It includes a common set of definitions, language, and understanding of digital literacy, skills, and readiness that can be adopted by all stakeholders worldwide, including national governments, the educational industry, the technology industry, international agencies, private companies, and society as a whole.

Full name
IEEE 3527.1, Standard for Digital Intelligence (DQ)--Framework for Digital Literacy, Skills, and Readiness
Semantic - Vocabulary, Organisational - Agreement

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