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4. Manage educational resources

Competency models expressed in MLR


ISO/IEC 19788-1 provides metadata for learning resources (MLR) and consists of a set of data element concepts and conceptual domains (as defined in the ISO 11179 series) allowing the description of a conceptual level independently of any particular representation. This means that any educational metadata schema can be specified using MLR.

Schemas describing competencies are used in many information models related to learning, education and training, such as school transcripts, learning objectives, curricula descriptions, employer job requirements, professional association competency frameworks and national occupational classifications.

Therefore, with the development of the different parts of the ISO/IEC 19788 series and the increasing demand for information models' interoperability, the description of a “competency” in the MLR format appears as a necessity.

Use of MLR can support different types of approaches such as structured database, linked data and RDF models. This means that MLR can be used to describe objects that are used to support the development, identification, and evaluation of competencies within IT systems that use heterogeneous approaches and have varying forms, among which are included those proposed in ISO/IEC 20006-1[1] and ISO/IEC 20006-2[2].

This document provides a generic representation of a “competency” that will facilitate the exchange of information between systems using different data models to represent competencies, and the linkage of competency models to other metadata models.

This document can be used either alone or together with other standards to express and compare contextual views of schemas that describe competencies.

Human factor guidelines for virtual reality content


This document presents considerations for using VR content in the learning, education and training (LET) domain for reducing reality and virtual reality crossover confusion among users and assisting users to effectively use these emerging technologies.

This document addresses VR content that uses a head-mounted display (HMD) in the LET domain. It does not address VR content using immersive technology and does not address augmented reality, mixed or merged reality content.

Learning environment components for automated contents adaptation


This document specifies two methods for adaptive content automation. Firstly, a learning environment profile for the expression of device and learning environment information required for mobile learning providers of both content and services, and for effective use of such services. Secondly, a grouping method is specified so that similar learning environment profiles can be bound into one and expressed collectively.

Metadata for facilitators of online learning


This document specifies a metadata structure to store, present and exchange online learning facilitator (OLF) information by specifying the data elements and their attributes to describe facilitator’s information on various kinds of online education platforms.

This document provides a generic information model of OLF to describe relevant information that applies to the facilitation and training services provided online, and includes information about the person offering facilitation, the affiliation of the person, facilitation ability, facilitation practices, the facilitation service offered, learners’ reviews and testimonies, and related social network information. The conceptual data model allows the linguistic diversity of OLF information attributes and offers a flexible metadata schema to describe them.

Metadata for learning resources


The primary purpose of ISO/IEC 19788 is to specify metadata elements and their attributes for the description of learning resources. This includes the rules governing the identification of data elements and the specification of their attributes.

ISO/IEC 19788-1:2011 provides data elements for the description of learning resources and resources directly related to learning resources.

ISO/IEC 19788-1:2011 provides principles, rules and structures for the specification of the description of a learning resource; it identifies and specifies the attributes of a data element as well as the rules governing their use. The key principles stated in ISO/IEC 19788-1:2011 are informed by a user requirements-driven context with the aim of supporting multilingual and cultural adaptability requirements from a global perspective.

ISO/IEC 19788-1:2011 is information-technology-neutral and defines a set of common approaches, i.e. methodologies and constructs, which apply to the development of the subsequent parts of ISO/IEC 19788.

Simple Publishing Interface

  1. Purpose: SPI makes it easier to transfer learning materials from tools that create them (like authoring or presentation tools) to repositories that store or manage them (like digital libraries, video servers, or institutional repositories).
  2. Interoperability: The goal is to ensure different systems (tools and repositories) can work together seamlessly. This means that a piece of content created in one system can be easily stored, accessed, or managed in another system without losing the important connections between the content and its metadata.
  3. Applications Beyond Education: While SPI was developed with educational tools and repositories in mind, it can be applied in many fields where there is a need to publish and manage digital content and metadata, such as libraries, archives, or media repositories.
  4. Uses Existing Technologies: Instead of creating a new technology from scratch, SPI is designed to work with existing protocols and technologies (like SWORD and PENS), making it practical and easier to implement.

Ubiquitous learning resource organization and description framework


This document specifies a framework to describe and organize learning resources in ubiquitous learning. It provides features to enable dynamic aggregation of resources in different learning contexts, in which the social interactions are recorded to facilitate social learning. The features that reflect the evolutionary history of resources based on learners’ contributions are also defined.